
NYCity winter magic 1-9-2018


November 19, 2023 – San Antonio, TX. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)–S19-137a. Joint Session of Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible and Use, Influence, and Impact of the Bible. Theme: “Susanne Scholz’s (editor) Oxford Handbook of Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible.” Panelists are Carol Dempsey, Shelley Birdsong, Rachel Adelman, Holly Morse, Erin Runions; the respondent is Susanne Scholz. For more information, visit https://sbl-site.org/ and select the tab “Meetings” and then “Annual Meetings.”

September 17-19, 2023 – Dallas, TX. SMU. Dr. Susanne Scholz is co-organizer of the upcoming research symposium “Law, Religion and Social Progress in the Age of COVID-19,” scheduled for Sept. 17-19 at Perkins School of Theology. The pandemic has had great impact on social progress within and across societies. This symposium, sponsored by SMU’s Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute (DCII), explores notions of social progress, during pandemic and ‘post’-pandemic times, within a diversity of national and international contexts, primarily through the prism of law and religion. Scholars from around the world (Britain, Canada, Japan, Nigeria and the United States) will present their work located in various academic disciplines (religious studies, law, anthropology, rhetorical studies, political science, social science and theological studies). For more information and to register: https://people.smu.edu/lawreligionandsocialprogress/

July 13, 2023 – Ortigia, Italy. “How to Read the Song of Miriam (Exod. 15:20-21) as a Literary Poem during the Time of War in the Ukraine.” Paper delivered at the Session “Literary Features—Fact or Fiction (2): Women’s Songs in the Hebrew Bible.” Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS). Siracusa, Italy, July 13, 2023.

July 18, 2022 – Salzburg, Austria. “Moving Beyond a Conventional Relationship between Art and Bible in Yehuda Levy-Aldema’s Sculptures on Sodom and Gomorrah.” Paper delivered at the Session “Bible and Visual Culture.” International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). Salzburg, Austria, July 18, 2022.

November 19, 2022 – Denver, Colorado. “Unvaxxed Equals Uncircumcised? On a Medical Metaphor of Philistine Othering in 1 Samuel.” Annual Meeting of the Session “Biblical Hebrew Poetry,” Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

September 9, 2022 — Portland, Oregon. “How to Read the Bible in the (Post_Corona Era: On the State of Feminist (Barbarian) Exegesis in the Biotechnofeudal Era.”  Garaventa Center and the Catholic Studies Program of the Department of Theology, University of Portland.

March 24, 2022 — New Orleans, Louisiana. “How to Read the Bible in the (Post)Pandemic World?” Marian & Byron Strug Memorial Lecture at the Jewish Studies Department, Tulane University.

November 19, 2021 – San Antonio, Texas. “Response: Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies.” Respondent to the panel of the Session “Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

November 20, 2021 – San Antonio, Texas. “Interpreting Biblical Poetry toward People Power or Neo-fascist Compliance? A Response.” Respondent to the Panel of the Session “Reading Poetic Texts Disruptively.” Co-sponsored by the “Biblical Hebrew Poetry” and “Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

November 21, 2021 – San Antonio, Texas. “Fostering Intersectionality and Dialogic Practices in the Classroom: Pedagogical Approaches in Womanist/Feminist/Queer Biblical Studies.” Co-chair and organizer of the panel of twelve speakers. The session is co-sponsored by the Sections “Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible” and “Women in the Biblical World.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

December 7, 2020 — Online Annual Meeting of the SBL. “Reading Sexual Violence of the Bible in the Here and Now: Beyond an Intersectional Cop-Out Hermeneutics.” Paper delivered at the Session “Human Violence in the Hebrew Bible, Early Jewish Writings, and the New Testament.” Co-sponsored by the Sections “Intertextuality and Hebrew Bible” and “Intertextuality in the New Testament.”

April 4, 2020 — Dallas, TX. SMU Simmons School of Education. One-day conference entitled “Spiritual & Religious Abuse: Recognizing, Preventing, and Healing.” Organized by Mental Health Professional, Clergy, and Spiritual Abuse Survivors, and International Cultic Studies Association. My co-teaching presentation on “Biblical Rape Stories as Exegetical Locations for Spiritual Abuse.”

November 26, 2019 — San Diego, CA. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)–S26-137. Women in the Biblical World/Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible. Theme: “Cultivating Womanist, Feminist, and Queer Relationships in this Neoliberal-Authoritarian Age.” Organizer and presider of a panel with 12 contributors.

November 25, 2019 — San Diego, CA. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)– S25-225. Homiletics and Biblical Studies Section. My paper title “Preaching with a Feminist Hermeneutic of Reproductive Justice.” From 1-3:30 PM. Location: Hilton Bayfront Room Aqua 313 (Aqua Level).

November 24, 2019 — San Diego, CA. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)–Paper Presentation. S24-336. Recovering Female Interpreters of the Bible Section. My paper title “Tribute to Three Mothers of Feminist Hebrew Bible Studies.” From 4-6:30 PM. Location: Convention Center — 1A (Upper Level West).

November 23, 2019 — San Diego, CA. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)–Panel Respondent. Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible/Gender, Sexuality, and the Bible Sections. Theme: “Review of Susanne Scholz, The Bible as Political Artifact: On the Feminist Study of the Bible (Fortress, 2017).” From 1-3:30 PM. Location: Convention Center — 25B (Upper Level East).

November 15-16, 2019 — Bern, Switzerland. University of Bern. Conference “Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Church: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives.” My lecture on “Bible and Sexual Violence.”

September 14, 2019 — Leuven, Belgium. University of Leuven. International Meeting of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR). My lecture on “The Disneyfication of Tel Shiloh: Historical Criticism and Archaeology as Methodological Regimes of Invisibility in Biblical Studies and Beyond.”

November 19, 2018 — Denver, CO. Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)–Panel co-organizer and presider.  S19-102 SBL African-American Biblical Hermeneutics Seminar / African-American Biblical Hermeneutics Section / Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible Section / Paul and Politics Seminar / Contextual Biblical Interpretation Section / Asian and Asian-American Hermeneutics Seminar / Latino/a and Latin American Biblical Interpretation Section / Reading, Theory, and the Bible Section / Racism, Pedagogy and Biblical Studies Consultation / Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies Section / Rhetoric and the New Testament Section. Theme: “Decentering Biblical Scholarship Thirty Years Later: Critical Reflections on the Call of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza.” From 9:00 AM–11:30 AM. Location: Convention Center (CC) – 404 (Street Level). For more information, visit here.

November 18, 2018 – Denver, CO, American Academy of Religion (AAR) — Panel organizer and presider.  P18-401 European Society of Women in Theological Research. Theme: “Colloquy: The Future of Feminist Theologies: Glocal Considerations.” From 2018 6:30 PM–8:30 PM. Location: Hilton City Center-Matchless (Lower Level 1). For more information, visit here.

November 17, 2018 – Denver, CO, Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) — “Sodom and Gomorrah in the Art of Yehuda Levy-Aldema.” Paper at the “Bible and Visual Art Section” In the local Convention Center 110 from 4-6:30 pm.  For more information, visit here.

October 16, 2018 – Jerusalem, Israel, Church of the Redeemer, Muristan Road, Old City — “A Visual Beth Midrash with Lot’s Daughters: Toward the Practice of Slow Reading, Seeing, and Understanding,” together with Israeli artist Yehuda Levy-Aldema. For more information, see the flyer Visual Beth Midrash event on 10-16-2018.jpg.

June 8, 2018 — Stony Brook, Long Island, NY. Stony Brook University. Annual Meeting of the Working-Class Studies Association Conference. Panelist at “Religion, Neoliberalism, and ‘Right-Wing Populism’ in America: A Panel Discussion.”

February 5-9, 2018 – Jerusalem, Israel, Dormition Abbey – “Postcolonialism and (Feminist) Biblical Exegesis: Six Lectures.”  For more information on studying at the Dormition Abbey, visit http://dormitio.net/engagement/studienjahr/index.html.

March 10, 2018 – Irving, TX, Southwest Commission of the Study of Religion – Organizer and presider of the section “AAR: Class Studies in Religion.”  This year’s panel will discuss the theme “Intersections of Religion, Class, and Reproductive Rights.” From 10:30 am to Noon in the Irving Marriott Hotel.  For more information on the SWCSR, visit https://sites.google.com/site/swcrsaarsblasorassr/.

March 10, 2018 – Irving, TX, Southwest Commission of the Study of Religion – Organizer and presider of the section “AAR: Class Studies in Religion.”  This year’s panel will discuss the theme “Teaching Identity Politics in Religion during an Age of Authoritarianism.” From 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the Irving Marriott Hotel.  For more information on the SWCSR, visit https://sites.google.com/site/swcrsaarsblasorassr/.

March 24, 2018 – Dallas, TX, Perkins School of Theology for the Laity Religion – “The Bible and Yoga.” At SMU Perkins School of Theology from 1:15-4:15 pm. For more information, visit https://www.smu.edu/Perkins/PublicPrograms/LaySchools/Dallas/PTSL_2018.

April 14-16, 2018 – Dallas, TX, SMU Perkins School of Theology“Celebrating Marc H. Ellis’s Work as a Diasporic German, Naturalized US-American, Post-Holocaust Feminist Hebrew Bible Scholar during Trumpism.”

June 6-9, 2018 – Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Working-Class Studies Association Conference — Panelist of the panel “Relgiion, Neoliberalism, and ‘Right-Wing Populism’ in America.”  Dr. Scholz will talk about the reading of the Bible in a neoliberal and authoritarian context.  For more information on the WCSA, visit https://wcstudiesassociation.wordpress.com/conferences/.