

Read my  February 2020 online piece on “Money Made Her Do It? Cultivating Oppositional Knowledge with Proverbs 7,” available here.

Read about “Worthy Opponents: Susanne Scholz and Billy Abraham” in Perkins Perspective (August 1, 2019):

For my Queer Bible Hermeneutics course (OT8317), see the student-led blog webpage here.

Contributor to the Blog of Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc., from 2012-2016

“Polygamous Bliss”? Thoughts about Biblical Concubinage and Online Polygamy (September 27, 2016)

Failed Integration or Deeply Ingrained Patriarchal Practice Everywhere? (January 22, 2016)

Title IX, Rape, and Religion (October 6, 2015)

Caitlyn Jenner, Transgender Justice, and Religion (July 2, 2015)

About Feminist Allegiances (February 4, 2015)

A Reflection on Talking about Misogyny Here and Everywhere (December 28, 2014)

An Amazing Mother: The Courage, Bravery, and Poise of Diane Foley (September 16, 2014)

In Memory of Anja Niedringhaus: Allahu akbar and the Murder of a Western Woman Journalist in Afghanistan (April 6, 2014)

The FEMEN Movement in the Catholic Cathedral in Cologne and the Pervasiveness of Gender Talk Today (January 27, 2014)

Fundamentalism in Syria and Male-Heterosexist Supremacy Everywhere (November 17, 2013)

The U.S.-Government Shutdown, STEM, and the Affective Turn (October 4, 2013)

Women, Yoga, and maya: Reflections on Iyengar Yoga in Pune, India (July 23, 2013)

The Boston Marathon Bombing, Gender Studies, and Disaffected Young Women and Men (April 21, 2013)

Rape in India and Western Yoga Philosophy (January 20, 2013)

Loving Marriage: The Troubles with Adultery (December 2, 2012)

No Wife for Jesus and the Critique of Patriarchy by the late Shulamith Firestone (September 25, 2012)

“I didn’t tuck ‘em in”: The Trouble with the Dutiful Wife Syndrome (June 22, 2012)

With Alice Schwarzer in Bad Boll: About Feminist Challenges in Europe and Elsewhere (May 22, 2012)


See also the following selection of online writings, interviews, book reviews, and an essay on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra:

  1. “Review of The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field, ed. Yvonne Sherwood (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017),” Review of Biblical Literature (March 14, 2019):
  2. “Review of Feminist Frameworks and the Bible, ed. L. Juliana Claassens and Carolyn J. Sharp
    (London: Bloomsbury, 2017).” Review of Biblical Literature (March 7, 2019):
  3. Review of Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts, Amy Kalmanofsky (Cambridge, MA: Feminist Studies in Religion Book, 2017).” Horizons in Biblical Theology 40.2 (2018): 203-226.
  4. “Review of The Absence of God in Biblical Rape Narratives by Leah Rediger Schulte (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2017).” Review of Biblical Literature (May 10, 2018):
  5. “Review of Reading the Old Testament Anew: Biblical Perspectives on Today’s Issues by John Kaltner (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2017).” Reading Religion (March 28, 2018):
  6. “Review of Women of War, Women of Woe: Joshua and Judges through the Eyes of Nineteenth-Century Female Biblical Interpreters, ed. Marion Ann Taylor and Christiana de Groot (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016).” Review of Biblical Literature (March 23, 2018):
  7. “Review of Sexuality, Ideology and the Bible: Antipodean Engagements, edited by Robert J. Myles and Caroline Blyth (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2015).” Theology & Sexuality1 (2018): 55-56.
  8. “Reading the Bible in a Feminist Key: Three Challenges for Feminist Biblical Interpretation Today.” The Bible and Interpretation (October 2017):
  9. “Review of The Mary Daly Reader, ed. Jennifer Rycenga and Linda Barufaldi (New York: New York University Press, 2017),” Reading Religion: A Publication of the AAR (July 5, 2017):
  10. “Concubine.” SBL Bible Odyssey (May 22, 2017). Online:
  11. “No Repentance of the Quest for Original Biblical Meaning: Epistemological and Methodological Considerations of David Lambert’s How Repentance Became Biblical.” Syndicate: available at (published on November 20, 2016)
  12. “Feminist Commentary upon Feminist Commentary: A Report from the Feminist Biblical Trenches.” (Editor) lectio difficilior: European Feminist Journal for Feminist Exegesis 1 (June 2014):
  13. “The Old Testament, Feminist Scholarship.” Oxford Bibliographies Online (2012): [last reviewed and updated: 18 June 2015]
  14. Interview at Daily Theology:
  15. “Reading Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra Like the Bible in Sunday School: About Orientalist and Western Protestant Hermeneutical Assumptions in Contemporary English Translations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra.” In Shifting Locations and Reshaping Methods: Methodological Challenges Arising from New Fields of Research in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies, ed. Stanislav Grodz and Ulrich Winkler, 127-145. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2018.  For a proof version, see here: Proof Essay on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra–Scholz.

Recent Sermons

1. “Question–Resist–Act.” Perkins Chapel, October 23, 2019.

2. “Loving Each Other into Christian Queerness.” Perkins Chapel, October 13, 2016. Access the pdf-file here: Sermon–Queering Jacob–Scholz–ARC 10-13-2016

3. “The ABC of a Feminist Hermeneutics.” Perkins Chapel, October 10, 2017. Access the pdf-file here: Sermon The ABC of a Feminist Hermeneutics–Scholz–10-5-2017

4. “95 Theses for Today.” Celebratory Service of 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Perkins Chapel, Octrober 26, 2017.  Access the pdf-file here: Sermon–95 Theses for Today–Reformation Day 500th anniversary–10-26-2017 SCHOLZ

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Posted by on September 22, 2014 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

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